Hi there! If you were following this blog last year, you might have wondered what was happening with the game since May 2019 (or just forgotten about it altogether!).
Well, the truth is that I got a full-time day-job here in the UK on 3rd June and no longer had any time to work on Quantum Rift. Wanting to perform my new role as best I could, even spare time that might have gone on game development was put into anything I thought might help me deliver for my employer. That effectively put this project on hold, aside from more artwork being completed in the background by Lukasz (the other more-talented half of the QR team), in his spare time outside his own day-job.
However, while time was stolen from the project, the day-job has at least solved the financial aspect of creating the first print-and-play iteration of this game (and supporting my family) and it’s why I can be here now telling you about the bright future ahead!
Working on the game without any other income and having to live off savings to support a family of five just wasn’t sustainable, and it really limited how much I could invest in the resources and research that were needed to make Quantum Rift the best it can be.
Having said that, without those six months of living very frugally and focusing most of my time on the development of this game, then it would have had no future either. In other words, it’s all good and the path to Quantum Rift’s print and play launch is clear.
Speaking of which …

What you can see above is a preview of the first page of 9 cards from our print-and-play variant of the game. (Click here for the full 44MB PDF.)
Over the next couple of months, we will be finalising all cards and rules so that we run a Kickstarter for Chapter 1 of the first Quantum Rift Adventure.
In the mean time, I will resume making the blog posts that explore more of the rules and other interesting aspects of the game. See you soon!